​​McMartin's Strawberry Farm
​McMartin's Farm is commercial family owned and operated farm in Bli Bli, in the heart of the Sunshine Coast, nestled beside the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary and the Maroochy river, this 56 acre, piece of paradise has been in our family since 1945.
It started off as a sugar cane farm then later became a dairy farm. At that stage there was no road access across the river and the road to Nambour was just a rough dirt track. Supplies of groceries, bread, meat and mail used to come by river on the mail boat. Cream from the dairy went by mail boat to Yandina then by unrefrigerated train to the butter factory at Caboolture.
In the early 50's we started growing small crops which has continued to the present day. While beans and tomatoes used to be the crop of choice, strawberries have been the predominate crop for
32 years but we stopped growing commercially 2 years ago and now grow only enough for our farm shop and local markets. We have expanded our Lychee and custard apple orchards to meet the increased demand for these fruits.
We currently grow 30,000 strawberry plants fruiting between May to September
150 fig trees fruiting between Nov and April
1000 custard apple trees fruiting between February to June
1000 Lychee trees fruiting in January
3000 tonne of sugar cane